(a) Flow variation and threatened galaxiid fishes, and
(b) influence of urbanisation on stream invertebrate populations.
Two fully funded PhD studentships are available within the Freshwater Ecology Research Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury for freshwater ecology research. This is a chance for high calibre students to join a successful research team investigating a wide variety of issues in freshwater ecosystems.
We are looking for students who can undertake innovative research that will both improve understanding of fundamental issues and enhance current management. There is an opportunity for students to develop their own research ideas as long as they fit within the overall focus of the research group. However, we would especially like to hear from students who wish to work on either (a) the effects of flow variation on the ecology of threatened galaxiid fishes or (b) the influence of urbanisation on stream invertebrate populations.
Applicants need to have the potential to carry out innovative and insightful research, as well as the initiative and personality to communicate the results to a wide variety of groups. They must be able to work within a team and can expect high quality mentoring and support from the group. Successful applicants will have a strong academic record, appropriate practical and technical experience, and will have demonstrated a high level of ability in written and oral communication.
The scholarships are for study at the University of Canterbury within the Freshwater Ecology Research Group within the Freshwater Ecology Research Group of the School of Biological Sciences in association with Associate Professor Angus McIntosh and Dr Jon Harding, and are available now for start by October 2009. The scholarships consist of a NZ $22,000 p.a. student stipend and funding to cover course fees and research expenses for three years.
Applications should be sent via e-mail to Katie McHugh (Katie.mchugh- at-canterbury. ac.nz), administrative assistant in the School of Biological Sciences, by 19 June 2009, and should include:
(i) a full curriculum vitae (including phone contact details),
(ii) a copy of your academic record,
(iii) a one page statement of your research interests and aspirations,
(iv) the names and contact details of three referees who are willing to provide confidential comments on your capacity to undertake a PhD, and
(v) an indication of your desired start date.
Successful applicants may be required to submit copies of official documents before being admitted to the PhD program at the University of Canterbury.
Questions of an academic nature can be addressed to either:
Associate Professor Angus McIntosh (angus.mcintosh@ canterbury. ac.nz) or Dr Jon Harding (jon.harding@ canterbury. ac.nz).
For information on PhD study at the University of Canterbury, including entry requirements, see: http://www.canterbu ry.ac.nz/ postgrad/ qualifications/ phd.shtml
For information on the School of Biological Sciences see: http://www.biol. canterbury. ac.nz/
For information on the Freshwater Ecology Research Group see: http://www.biol. canterbury. ac.nz/ferg/ index.shtml
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