In addition to MSc scholarships and bursaries awarded by Kingston University, the Faculty of Engineering has a number of scholarships available for Home/EU and International students.
Who can Apply?
Any student applying for a taught full-time postgraduate MSc course in the Faculty of Engineering with a confirmed offer of a place for the next academic intake (September or January).
Selection Process
Selection is by application only and applicants must:
* Have a good academic record
* Provide a statement of 500 words in support of your application.
Submitting an Application
In order to apply for a scholarship, you are required to fill in and submit a Scholarship Application Form:
* Engineering Scholarship Application Form - International Students (PDF) 32k
* Engineering Scholarship Application Form - Home/EU Students (PDF) 32k
The application must be typed and printed. We cannot consider incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline.
Application Deadlines
September 2009 Intake
* 31st July 2009 for Home/EU and International students.
January 2010 Intake
* 30th November 2009 for Home/EU and International students.
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